Thanks to how modern life is lived, bad posture is a leading cause of back pain and problems.
According to the American Chiropractic Association, back pain is the leading cause of disability around the world. It’s also estimated that around 80% of people will suffer from back pain at some time. We also know that thanks to how modern life is lived, bad posture is a leading cause of back pain and problems.
Simply put, the human being has evolved over many thousands of years. In that time we lived very active lifestyles. For tens of thousands of years we would have been hunter-gatherers, living in small primitive communities. A lot of our time would have been taken up by actively hunting, looking for food and water, and patrolling our areas. Work would have been physical due to a lack of machines and even basics like beds and chairs were once beyond our grasp.
Even just a couple of thousand years ago, people lived very physical lives. They weren’t accustomed to sitting in a chair for most of their day. Doing this has given rise to some terrible resting positions, and this bad posture has caused a whole bunch of problems for our backs. Here are a few ways you can correct your seated posture to help fix the problem.
1. Use a Good Chair
Most of the time, workplaces go with the cheapest option, not the best. When at home you should already be using good quality seating that helps support your back, but it’s also work shelling out a little extra for your own customised office furniture. Get a chair which can be adjusted to your ideal position and one which has solid, strong support all around. You want it to be sturdy too because if it becomes a little loose it’s going to be hell for your back.
2. Make Sure Your Chair is at the Right Height & Angle
If you are especially tall or short it can be tough to get a chair which is right for you, and you might need to look at specialist options. Whatever happens, your chair should be the right height and angle to give you the ideal seated position. It should also give you a comfortable writing or computing position. Adjustable options are best because you can get them to the perfect spot.
3. Keep Your Spine Straight
Always sit with your back and spine straight. Your core should be just slightly engaged in this position, so the stress isn’t concentrated on any single area of your back. Instead it’s spread evenly and can be carried comfortably. If you have any back issues, you might benefit from a specialist cushion or support to help your back be in the right position.
4. Shoulder Blades Should be Flat and Well Aligned
A common problem these days is the shoulder blades sticking out too far at the back, and the upper back becoming rounded. This happens because people are slouching and pushing their shoulders forward to reach a keyboard or their desk. Keep your back flat, including the shoulder blades. Shoulders should be flat and well aligned, supporting a strong posture. This position also helps you to breathe better and has been linked to improved confidence and mood too!

5. Do Some Glute Exercises!
The glutes are one of the most overlooked muscles in the human body. They are hugely important in transferring weight from your lower body to the core and upper body. The problem is that they aren’t used when we sit down. This makes them lazy and inactive, so they stop working even when they should be – because they’re weak and unused. That leads to all kinds of problems, from leg and feet issues to back and hip problems.
Doing some basic glute exercises for just a couple of minutes a day can reactivate them, giving you a happier and healthier life.