The ability to achieve balance can be a task in itself. Making life easier on yourself with a few tips and tricks can make a big difference.
What does success look like to you? For a lot of working moms, it looks like achieving some sort of balance between professional satisfaction and enjoying their family. Juggling a career or running your own business with parenting is undoubtedly one of the hardest things you will ever do. It’s important to remember that ‘work-life balance’ is just that – a balancing act that is constantly shifting. You might be able to have it all, but you can very really have it all right at the same time. However, you can make life easier on yourself with a few tips and tricks that can make a big difference in your daily life.

Say Goodbye To Guilt
Often our best intentions are sabotaged by the constant struggle with the dreaded mom guilt. If we’re firing on all cylinders at work, there’s a part of us that feels like we aren’t being involved enough with our kids. And if we have our hands full with the children, equally we can get that nagging sensation that we aren’t giving our all at work. These thoughts can be difficult to escape, so when you feel them creeping up on you, interrupt them by telling yourself what a great job you’re doing. Remind yourself of your why – if you’re fulfilled at work, you’re a happier parent. Or it could be that you’re proud of being a role model. Perhaps that you’re working towards the future of your family, putting money away for their education. Look into the Debt to Success System to understand how you can shape your own future. Reconnecting with why you’re doing it all is a great reminder that you’re doing brilliantly.
Set Your Boundaries
If you want to make this work, it’s also highly important to decide early on what your personal boundaries are and enforce them strictly. It might be that you pledge not to check your work emails after 5pm. Or it could be allotting times to look at your phone, so you don’t get drawn into social media scrolling and feel like you haven’t been present with the kids. Whatever you decide works for you, be rigorous about enforcing it. Boundaries are the key to protecting your energy and health.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash
Streamline Your Morning Routine
Mornings can be some of the most stressful times for a working mom – you’re trying to get yourself sorted and prepared for work, at the same time as washing, dressing and sorting out the kids. It’s little wonder that tempers can begin to fray. Give yourself a helping hand by getting as prepared as possible the night before. Lay out clothes for yourself and the children, make sure bags are packed and any homework is ready. Fill up the coffee machine and lay out the breakfast things. A few minutes spent organizing at night can make your mornings feel so much brighter.
Go Easy On Yourself
And lastly – remember not to be so critical of yourself. As a mom and a career woman, you are doing so well. Reject the perfection myth and remember that things can just be ‘good enough’ once in a while. Celebrate your successes!