How to manage blog posts instructional video tutorial By: Mompreneur Media
How to manage your WordPress blog posts


How to manage blog posts in WordPress

We covered how to create a blog post in WordPress and now we will be going over how to manage blog posts within your WordPress dashboard.

Viewing your posts

To view a list of all of your posts, click “Posts” in the sidebar of your dashboard.

Clicking on a post title will take you to editing that post. When you hover over a row, you will also get more options for that item. We go over these these in our next video, “Quick Edits & Bulk Edits”.

There are two options on  viewing all of your posts; using the “List View” or the “Excerpt View”. Toggling the Excerpt View on gives us a short bit of text on each post in the list. It’s helpful to use this view to remind you what a post was about at a glance.

Using filters

You can use the filters to show posts that match a certain criteria. You can set it to just a specific month to see only posts that were in that month. You can also use the next drop down to view posts from within only one category. By using a combination of these filters, you can also set it to show posts from just a certain date from within a specific category.

With lots of creativity and success,
Nicole Orozco

I hope you found this video tutorial helpful. If you have questions on how to manage blog posts, please ask them in the comment box below.