If your brain isn’t feeling as sharp as you’d like it to, there are plenty of ways you can brush up on your mental skills. Read on to find out more.

Being a mother and an entrepreneur keeps you pretty busy. You would think that this would mean your brain is switched on all the time, but the reality is that you can end up feeling like you’re in something of a fog. You’re so busy and have so much to do that you can feel exhausted and like you’re not really on top of your game. If your brain isn’t feeling as sharp as you’d like it to, there are plenty of ways you can brush up on your mental skills and make sure you’re able to juggle everything and still come up with smart ideas.
Do a Daily Puzzle
Just like your body, your brain needs exercise. If you spend your time doing things that don’t require much brain power, you could find that “use it or lose it” is true for your brain, as well as your muscles. If you like puzzles or want to try them out, you could get a subscription to a puzzle book like PennyDell Puzzles or find plenty of options online too. There are puzzles ranging from sudokus to crosswords or even cryptic crosswords if you really want a mental challenge. Some video games are great for challenging you too.

Stay Social
Spending time with other people is great for your mind. It helps you to stay connected and engaged. You have a chance to talk and use a range of skills and different parts of your brain to do so. Whether you talk about politics or what you’ve been watching on TV, spending time with your friends and family is good for your mental health and can improve focus and memory. Even just spending time with others without talking much is good for you. Try to carve out time in your schedule for family time but also for spending time with friends.
Keep Up a Hobby
It can be hard to find time for a hobby when you’re both a parent and a business person. But engaging in a hobby can be a great way to keep your brain busy, learn new things and even give you something to do with your hands. It’s a good way to deal with stress and many hobbies involve making something that you can be proud of too. There are lots of different hobbies that might appeal to you, and plenty that can be picked up and put down whenever you feel like it, so you can fit them in when you have time.

Sleep, Eat and Move Well
Taking generally good care of yourself is a must if you want to keep your brain sharp too. Getting plenty of sleep ensures you’re switched on and able to focus, eating a healthy diet gives your brain the nutrients it needs, and exercise helps to engage your brain. You might even want to look for brain foods that will give you lots of brainpower nutrients, such as omega-3s.
“Mommy brain” can be tricky to deal with at the best of times, but you definitely don’t want it if you’re an entrepreneur. Keep your brain sharp by keeping it active.