There’s a set number of hours in any one day, and yet sometimes there never seems to be enough time.

There’s a set number of hours in any one day, and yet sometimes there never seems to be enough time. No matter how many to-do lists you manage to complete, there is always another one to replace it. It can make you feel that the treadmill is running away with you, even though you’re sure that all this effort should at least allow you to be static. If this is how you feel most of the time, it’s time to review your processes and behavior! What are you doing that could be done better so that you can move forward and grow?

Trying to reclaim your time? Read these tips!Click To Tweet


Here are 3 tips to reclaim some of your time.

Your Language

Think about the language that you use during the working day. Think about the well documented power that repeating positive affirmations hold. The language that you use throughout the day confirms to your inner self what you believe your state to be, and you react accordingly. If you keep saying that you don’t have time, guess what? Your reactions and behaviors reflect what your inner self hears, and you’ll never have time.

Now is the time to adjust your language and rewire your inner self. Instead, try replacing ‘I don’t have time’ with ‘it’s not a priority’. By changing the words that you use, you’re taking control back and giving yourself choice. Try it. Altering your language will help you prioritize what is important, both at work and at home.

Your Processes

Just because you have always undertaken a task a specific way and it has delivered good results, does not mean that it’s necessarily the best practice. You need to always be striving for improvement. You don’t just want good results; you want great results. Always strive for the next level, and don’t get too comfortable with mediocrity. Embrace new technologies to move your business forward – for example, take advantage of free marketing automation software to reengage past customers and interest potential new ones. You can develop your brand’s loyalty by communicating with your customers on a personal level that was previously a time-consuming process.

Here are 3 tips to reclaim some of your time.
Here are 3 tips to reclaim some of your time.

Your Goals

You may be very clear about what goals you want to achieve with your business, but if you haven’t written them down and figured out the route for success, your journey is going to feel laborious and the goals unattainable. When you need to get to a destination in the car you map out your journey. Without thinking about where your business journey is going, you won’t reach your destination. Not all roads lead to Rome. You need to identify what you want to achieve and commit to it. Set SMART goals, and plan methodically the steps you need to take to achieve them. You now have a framework within which to work, and by doing so you have a schedule to work to. Having a structure in place allows you to complete relevant tasks in a timely manner, and you won’t find yourself stressed by deadlines or any challenges that may crop up.


3 Tips to Reclaim Your Time appeared first on Mompreneur Media