If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, then it is hardly surprising. We’re dealing with the biggest catastrophe since WWII, and it is putting pressure on us all.
Succeeding in the marketplace is more complicated than many people imagine. It is not until you get out there into the wild yourself, without the protection of a corporation, that you discover just how brutal it can be. Nobody has your back. You’re on your own.
The feeling of overwhelm, therefore, is one that entrepreneurs acquaint themselves with early in their careers. The first few weeks on the job are okay. But when bills you can’t pay start arriving, you stop feeling so buoyed.
In the current crisis, more entrepreneurs than ever before are feeling the heat. The shuttering of the economy, combined with the public health threat, have made life much harder for those trying to grow new companies.
It can be tempting to over-analyze situations like these with a myriad of questions, but that probably isn’t a good idea. Nobody knows how the dynamics will ultimately work themselves out. Employment and demand could snap back in a few weeks – or it could take several years – we don’t know yet.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, then it is hardly surprising. We’re dealing with the biggest catastrophe since WWII, and it is putting pressure on us all. So what can you do to deal with it? And how can you get back to focusing purely on your work, not how awful you feel?
Remind Yourself That People Have Survived Worse In The Past
While it is difficult to imagine how things could be worse than they are right now, there have been times in our history when they were. Reminding yourself of that fact can help tell you that things will eventually improve, as they have every time in the past.
You Can Pay For Support
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s no need to continue doing everything yourself. You can always pay for support.
Many businesspeople, for instance, can save a lot of time by hiring a virtual assistant to answer the phones and triage calls. Your live answering service could save you several hours a day.
Remind Yourself That You Overcame These Feelings Before
If you’re in the midst of overwhelm, it can be a challenge to muddle your way through. But it is worth remembering that you’ve been through similar episodes before – and you came out the other side.
Think back to what you did that helped you get out of the situation. Then adjust your approach. Remember, most problems probably aren’t as bad as you think they are.
“Do Something”
Sometimes the best thing you can do to deal with overwhelm is to just “do something,” whatever that happens to be.
Doing something productive that helps solve the problem gives you a sense of control which you deny yourself if you refuse to act. Plus, you’re able to look back at the event and gently remind yourself that you did everything you could to resolve it.
Feeling overwhelmed is a common side-effect of doing business. But it isn’t necessarily something you must learn to live with. You have the power to fight back.